January 06, 2015
Catching Up with Dallas of Studio 330
It's the New Year & Downtown Betty's first Tribe Tuesday of 2015.
We have had the pleasure of having Dallas Delahunt in the Downtown Betty Tribe since 2010, when she was in Vancouver assisting the lovely Ms Seane Corn. She fell in love with our Dhoti Pants & we fell in love with the crow tattoo on her arm. It's been magic ever since.
We have had the pleasure of having Dallas Delahunt in the Downtown Betty Tribe since 2010, when she was in Vancouver assisting the lovely Ms Seane Corn. She fell in love with our Dhoti Pants & we fell in love with the crow tattoo on her arm. It's been magic ever since.
Dallas is a Yoga Teacher, the owner of Studio 330 in Kingston, Ontario & a vigilant space holder for her Yoga Community.
Q. What are your favourite Bicycle by Downtown Betty pieces?
A. Long Dhoti’s & Sweet Tanks ....they’re sexy, comfy and so versatile. I consider them my uniform. Then DTB made Dhoti's adorable when they introduced them for children.
Q. What do you love love most about Downtown Betty?
A. Long Dhoti’s & Sweet Tanks ....they’re sexy, comfy and so versatile. I consider them my uniform. Then DTB made Dhoti's adorable when they introduced them for children.
Q. What do you love love most about Downtown Betty?
A. Katie! I have enjoyed her from the moment we met at The Yoga Conference a few years ago. She’s the real deal...kind, generous and full of joy.

A. Simply by taking several of her classes at conferences, Kripalu and The Omega Institute. Seane invited me to assist her at The Yoga Conference in Vancouver in 2010. When our schedules align, it’s a real pleasure to spend time with her.
Seane’s become a very supportive & special friend of my family. Her and my grandson Jackson have a blast together. He still talks about the first time he met her, he was 2 ½ and she stole and hid his toy cars - he always remembers to leave them at home when they visit ;) She’s a gem.
Q. Who else would say has had a strong influence on your style of teaching or personal practice?
A. I have taken classes with so many amazing teachers and I’d say the ones that stand out the most, where I’ve grabbed snippits of inspiration, from their cues, playful sequencing or song choices would be my good friend Kathryn Flynn, Jonny Kest, Meghan Currie, Vinnie Marino, and Annie Carpenter
Q. When did you first start practicing yoga? And what were you doing prior to practicing yoga for physical fitness & connection?
A. I began practicing in 1998. I was a gym rat (still am) and it was at a local gym, The Downtown Workout where I found my first yoga class.
Q. If someone want to win you over, what’s your favourite treat/special treatment?
A. I love when people share a piece of them, their honesty, & trust...and lots of chocolate.
Q. When it starts to get a little hectic, do have quick calming or centering technique you use to get grounded again?
A. The scent of my scarf or item of clothing, it’s always dripping in Sandalwood. My most favourite, when time permits, is to wash it all off in the shower.
A. The scent of my scarf or item of clothing, it’s always dripping in Sandalwood. My most favourite, when time permits, is to wash it all off in the shower.
Q. Do you have a morning routine/ritual that you love?
A. I love the ritual of making my matcha tea every morning, when everyone has left for their day.
Q. What’s your favourite Quote or Motto?
A. This is the toughest question of all. I read from my internal journal at the end of every class I teach...there are so many amazing words out there...I’ll go with the first that popped in my head:

A. My family, community, and spreading love.

A. Awe, thanks for asking. It’s really exciting and special to witness students come into their own. We’ve just begun our second YTT and are looking forward to our next one beginning September 2015-June 2016. I co-teach this course with my friend Kathryn Flynn, along with guest teachers, Greg Moss, Bethany Smith and Stephanie Chapman.
Thanks to SuzyLamont.com for her rad photos of Dallas