February 02, 2020
Doing it Naturally | Natural Fiber Athletics
Downtown Betty has been doing it naturally since 2009. We love the breath-ability and sweat-ability of cotton against our skin with a bit of lycra that does the holding. We believe in natural beauty, and love the rivers, the oceans, the planet & we believe less is more !

Sweet Crop and Pedal Pushers in Black
Most athletic clothes out there, are made of nylon, polyethelyne, rayon, acrylic, acetate to name a few. While people seem to think these pieces are "long lasting", over-looked is the fact that as wear & tear happens, tiny little pill balls are created on the high friction areas & slough off in the laundry. These pills then escape into our water ways via flushed laundry water unfiltered. Let alone, the long-lasting clothes will end up living an eternity in a land fill long after the owner is done with the clothing.
Sweet Crop and Pedal Pushers in Black + S.e.a.S.h.e.l.l. Necklace
The existence of micro-plastics in our waters is finally coming to the surface. It is affecting the ocean we love, and the drinking water we have in our cities. Our drinking water is something we seem to take for granted, but we should be more conscious of the choices we make as consumers that effect not only ourselves but the environment around us.
Men's Scoop Neck T-shirt in Black and Toque Eh? in Thundercloud
Men's Scoop Neck T-shirt & Unisex Dhoti Pants in Black
Here at Downtown Betty we have always been conscious of the fabric choices we make, and the ecological impact our products will have. Our clothing is made from natural fibers, and will biodegrade over time versus the synthetic fibers. As a yoga community, it'd be great if we could keep the bigger picture in mind, and realize that yoga means union, and we whole heartedly believe, that means body, mind, spirit, as well as our divine connection to the beautiful planet we get to call home.
Sweet Crop and Pedal Pushers in Thundercloud
Doggess Cap + Downtown Betty Cut-Off Tank + Unisex Dhoti Pants in Portobello
Sweet Crop and Unisex Dhoti Pants in White
Bicycle by Downtown Betty is a Yoga Beach Lifestyle Brand primarily based on it's natural fiber fabrics: Cotton Lycra or Organic Cotton Lycra, and it's Cozy, Comfy, Sexy vibe for both on & off the mat life.
Villa Play-suit in White + Men's Scoop Neck T- Shirt and Unisex Dhoti Pants in Black
#naturalfiberathletic #cozycomfysexy #doingitnaturally
"Yoga pants, fleece jackets, sweat wicking athletic wear and other garments made from synthetic materials shed microscopic plastic fibers — called “microfibers” — when laundered. Wastewater systems flush the microfibers into natural waterways, eventually reaching the sea." - See link on The Denver Post for full article.
Photographer: Downtown Betty
Model: Renee Kaur
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Copyright 2017 Downtown Betty | A Yoga Beach Lifestyle Company | Vancouver BC.
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Copyright 2017 Downtown Betty | A Yoga Beach Lifestyle Company | Vancouver BC.