May 08, 2021
Mumma's Love + Minis, Too ;)

Mama + Mini in matching Black Dhoti Onesies
Shout out to all the Moms out there raising good little earthlings to take good care of each other, and our planet. Little boys & girls who are kind, respectful & compassionate. To each other, to big people in their lives, to their elders. So they know their voice matters and their body is a temple. Sacred. The same as all others & everything around us, on this beautiful earth.

Those that are in awe of rivers, lakes and the oceans. Of birds, bees, and all those in the sky, the sea & in the trees. Who’s eyes sparkle like the stars when they look at the moon, and also take the time to close their eyes to bask in the sun. Who revel in the beauty of flowers, with legs that want to run up mountains, arms that want to hug trees. Who’s hearts burst with love & a desire to care for puppies, baby monkeys, cows, and piglets alike. Who take stand for what is right. Who make good decisions, even when no one is watching. Ones that understand that there is but one planet, and that we are all connected. Connected to the Earth & connected to each other by each choice, and with each action. It all matters.

Toddler Dhoti Onesie
There is nothing as powerful as
a mother’s love,
and nothing as healing
as a child’s soul <3

Mama in Dhoti Onesie + Mini in DOGGESS Baseball T & Toddler Dhoti Pants
So thank you for your work. Thank you for your diligence.
Thank you for giving up sleeping in & being beautiful in spite of it all.
Thank you for showing them how to both work through tough times & glide when the going is good. To always look for the silver linings. To seek the beauty, to be grateful, to appreciate the little things in life. And how to pull up their own socks, by pulling up your own & how to sometimes put a lil elbow grease into it & work for the results you want to see. Thank you for shining your light so your light so damn bright that they can see a pathway through these muddled times to a future full of love & light & life.

Great for Maternity, Dhoti Onesie on Mama-to-be!

Sweet Tank in Kundalini Whites on Mama w/ her Mini
Mama wearing Dhoti Onesie in Kundalini Whites w/ a Sweet Crop in Athletica
Your words becomes their inner voice.
Your actions become what they admire, mirror,
imitate & hone until it’s their own.
Mama in a T-Shirt Dress in Tanlines
Mama in Smokin' Hot Shorts w/ Sweet Tank + Mini in Toddler Dhoti Pants in Tanlines
Happy Mumma’s Day to all the moms, grandmas, good step-mummas,
not yet mummas, fur-baby Mumma’s, the should be mummas & those without their mummas. Let’s keep on raising the vibration as we rise on up!
Downtown Betty
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Downtown Betty